Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Victory is Ours! Psalm 86!

Want to share with all of you a passage that the Lord had given to me as I sought Him in prayer and I thought that it is given very timely as we enter into the exciting season of blessing others through prayers. This is a prayer that David called unto God and there are some points that I picked up which I thought I will share.

Read Psalm 86.

1. God hears us when we call
David was in a bad situation and he needed to get out of the situation so what did he do? He prayed.. He called to God and asked Him to hear and answer his prayers. David believed that God would do so. 'In the day of my trouble I will call to You for You will answer me (v7). In the same way that God heard and answered David, God is going to hear and answer YOU when you call out to Him on your friends' behalf.

2. God answers us because of who He is
In the passage, God was described as:
- forgiving and good (v5)
- no one can be compared to God (v8)
- great and do marvelous deeds (v10)
- compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love & faithfulness (v15)
God is going to answer your prayers because He is forgiving, loving and good. He is going to perform miracles because He is great and can do marvelous deeds. Look at that description, God can't wait to pour forth His blessings. What are u waiting for? Pray and claim it now!

3. God's will and purpose will be accomplished
"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you O Lord; they will bring glory to Your name (v9)
Amen!!!!!!!! The friends that we are going to bless will worship the Lord because they have tasted of His goodness and witnessed His miracles in these few weeks.

Lastly, as we rise up to be His warriors, may we ask for an undivided heart that seeks to follow and walk in His ways (v11) so that we can be used by Him.

So warriors of light, go forth and BLESS! don't wait anymore because God is on our side and victory is ours!!

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