Friday, 22 June 2007

Rejoice in one another's sucess!

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. – Romans 12:10

Most of you know that I am doing my practicum (teaching practice) in school now and it is graded. So far, I have been doing quite okay and I was quite proud of what I have accomplished and all the positive feedback that my mentor teachers have been giving to me.

In my heart, I do secretly wish that I am the ‘best’ trainee teacher in the school, or aim for a distinction for this practicum BUT I have this good friend of mine, who is also a fellow trainee teacher in my school and she is reallllllly good in teaching… haha so considered close competitor… but no la.. we have never stabbed each other in the back, but have always helped each other..

However, my friend received news today that she has been shortlisted for distinction and I wasn’t. Though I told her “Well done! Congratulations”… and blah blah… yet in my heart there was a sinking feeling of disappointment…

And God gave me a prompt and a question to think about…

It is very easy to comfort someone who is feeling down BUT it is soooooooooo soooooo difficult to REJOICE in somebody’s success… especially when you think that this success should be yours…

I know I should be happy for her yet I can’t help thinking that why can’t it be me….. Well… I asked God “What is one lesson I can learn today?”…. and the lesson is HUMILITY!!

In order for us to rejoice in our fellow sister or friend’s success, we need to reject jealousy and take on humility so that we may be able to love them like we love ourselves. If we are happy that we are successful, then we should be happy for their success too and bless them.

So today… let’s learn to be humble and love our sisters/friends/family as we love ourselves. As much as we want to be there for them when they are down, we also want to be there with them when they are experiencing victory and success…

Is there someone whom you are jealous about? Ask God to help you to overcome that jealousy with love…. Honor one another above yourself.

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