Friday, 22 June 2007


Haggai 1:1-11

Ms Kau gave me this passage some time ago to lead a short Word for the next cell which was supposed to be last monday. At first, i thought it was rather a short passage & the Word to bring across was simply telling them about God's call for us to build the House of the Lord. But it wasnt as easy as i thought when God brought me thru more than understanding the Word but applying it in my life.

After Ms Kau gave me the passage, my school actually informed us that we're going to take part in one of the performance in this year's National Day Parade. I was actually very excited& wanted to take part in it. BUT there was no peace in me when i was deciding whether or not to join.

On one hand, i thought "hey this is a good opportunity to bond with my classmates &perhaps as we bond closer, more opportunities to share about Christ." But i still struggle with it &so consulted Ms Kau...then Ms Kau advised me not to take it up...pointing out the commitments i've alr have on hand &reminding me about Haggai 1. In my heart, i was super upset as i really wanted to participate in it. That night i even cried to God asking why & what does He wants me to do. And my cell group came to my mind &i reflected back on what ms kau said. &i know tt even if taking part in NDP doesnt clash with any of my commitments but by then i'll be physically very tired &probably neglect having BS with my girls.

I managed to convince myself not to take part anymore. But on the day of the deadline to sign up, i wavered again as my classmates tried to persuade me. &i thought i'll ask ms kau again tt night when we were supposed to have cell. JUST THEN, ms kau sent a sms saying cell is postponed. &it took me some time to understand why God postponed cell tt day. NO.1 He knows that i have not fully grasp the Word tt He's trying to bring across to me in Haggai, thus then i wont be ready to teach the Word. NO.2 He wants me to make the decision myself instead of merely following what ms kau says.

And even as i understood what God is teaching me& applying it in life, He assured me even more in Leader's Mtg last wk during worship thru the songs "Running After You"&"Salvation is Here" Indeed we're running after God ¬ running towards the things other people are running for nor are we running along with them. And when we choose to run after Him despite all the obstacles tt's ahead, He will make a way. And the Lord grant a deep sense of peace in me and He gave this Word "v9 'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace.' declares the Lord Almighty." Haggai 2:9

Even as we enter into the phase of Looking Far - in Building the Family, will we choose to start building the House of the Lord instead of focusing on building our own "houses", our lives? Or you might think that you're still not ready to build the House of the Lord now...will you choose to lay everything down before the Lord again& rise up to what God has called you for? Dont hesitate, the Time is Now!

Posted by Ruixiang :)

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