Friday, 22 June 2007

Trusting the Lord

Amen to Kelly's post on OBEYING THE LORD.

As i was reading the post, i think obeying the Lord also revolves around trusting the Lord. As there are times when we wanted to obey what He commands or what He has called us to do but sometimes we still hesitate or even turn away from it. And the question is always how much do we trust in the Lord ?

As i have shared with some of you about what i've been going through in school last term...the debarment from exams & committing to dance rehearsals for G12 conference in the midst of exam period. I was actually very upset with my name listed on the debarment list & the things happening in school but the Lord brought peace to my heart, knowing that He's in control of everything. So i went on preparing for exams & attend dance rehearsals.

But as much as i thought i was rooted in the Lord, i started to waver again. My classmates began to ask me why do i still choose to dance & spent time in church in the midst of exams when everyone is mugging hard for the final papers. Fears began to rise up in me again as i fear that i wont be able to do as well as my classmates. But give thanks to God as when i choose to spent time worshipping Him, He granted me a deep sense of peace knowing that the Lord is with me & He will bring me through.

And He speaks to me through this verse as dancers prayed for me "v
16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. v17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. v18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor

I didnt get debarred in the end & carried the peace of the Lord throughout the days of my exams. I got my results during the holidays &thought my gpa for last term was 3.485. I thought i could at least get above 3.5. I was abit dissappointed but still give thanks to God for giving me 2As & 1B. During the first day of school, when section head mentioned that we should at least get a 3.5 to improve our average gpa, though i was worried but the Lord again granted peace in my heart knowing He's in control of what is ahead of me.
And to my surprise, on e 2nd day when we got back results slip, only then i realised i actually got gpa 3.588 for last term! Thanksgiving arises as i continue to trust in Him. And the teacher who was not very happy with me bcos of my attendance for her module last term, also congratulated me for doing very well in my final paper. Thanks be to God, Who is able to turn the situation around!
Trusting the Lord could be in the area of committing our studies, family or ministry into His Hands or in the form of seeking the Lord during decision making and submitting our plans unto Him etc. There can be struggles when we choose to commit and trust in the Lord, or sacrifices that we have to make eg. our personal time, something we like to do, stepping out of our "comfort zone" etc. But will we still choose to trust in the Lord and obey what He has called us to do ?
Many of us have started school & perhaps still trying to adapt to it. There are times when we need to make decisions or needed to trust in the Lord in the area of studies, exams etc. Will we choose to seek the Lord in every circumstances and continue to trust in Him ?

Let us continue to fix our eyes on what is unseen (Jesus) and not on what is seen (the circumstances we are facing now or the "attractive" things in life). Let us put our Faith in Him & not the things on earth.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. " Proverbs 3:5

- Posted by Ruixiang

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.