Sunday, 27 April 2008

Valley of tears will be a place of Springs!

Hello to all my beloved sisters! I'm Grace here! haha I miss all of you so so much:D And sorry for updating and blogging so late:/ I would like to share with you what God has spoken to me..

Psalm 84:6-7

"As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God in Zion."

I'm sure you all has heard the sermon by Pastor Khong on growing from strength to strength in Psalm 84. Miss kau has sent me the online sermon to listen.. Honestly speaking, at first when i reached china, i'm still excited with what the Lord is going to work in my life and also drawing closer and closer wit the Lord. But it didn't last long for me:(

I went to attend a church in china here, it's a foreign international church service in english for foreigners.. I don't feel comfortable with the word and after talking to Miss kau abt it, i've decided to stay in hostel listening to our church's sermon and spending time with the Lord.. I know myself and can feel that i am not growing in God but instead drifting further from God.

There are many things happening here between me and my friends too. I struggled alot through these problems and many a times i cry when i'm on bed:'( As I listened to this sermon today, God is here speaking to me..

Looking at Caleb who is 85 years old! He is still as strong as who he is 40 years ago! Looking at myself, i am just 20 years old and my fire for my God has been going down. Even as i am facing many problems and difficulties here, and even as i am passing through the valley of Baca(tears & sorrows), I will grow from Strength to Strength! There is a reason why God brings me through tough times and painful moments, he is preparing me for bigger things in my life. Apostle Paul said in,

Philippians 3:13-14

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

I will forget what lies behind me but looking ahead of what God has already prepared for me:) And also coming back to Singapore! haha:D

What is my HOPE in Life?
My Hope is not scoring well in my studies, getting a boyfriend in church etc..
But My Hope in Life is God! (This is what keeps me going)

Continue to pray for me:) I will be praying for you all too!

And I have a testimony, I did some individual assingments. I got back 2 of them, and I scored well:) One is A, and the other is B+. Praise God! It is God who has helped me:) I didn't expect myself to score this marks too.. And another testimony is that I have been talking to Huiqi(the friend that i brought to church tt has joined us), she is quite open now to God.. And she said she actually struggled to be a christian as she don't fully believe in God at first but after some sharing & talking with her, she onced again put her trust in God:)

What is your HOPE in Life?

God Loves you! N so do I:) BIGHUGS!
I promise to be back with more updates!:D

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