Friday, 22 June 2007

We'll love, have fun and walk together!

Retreat has ended!

Yup! That was the theme for our retreat and in His marvelous ways, God has seen through the theme for us!

Firstly, I really want to thank all of you who have made it to the retreat. You have no idea how much your presence meant to each one in the family. Without you, this retreat wouldn't have that much laughter, joy and love. So a big patzzzzzz to all of YOU! *Hugs*

Secondly, thank God for answering ALL our prayers. Wasn't it just amazing? Even simple prayers like (God, please let bus 12 come soon, let it be air-conditioned and there will be enough seats for ALL of us) and prayers that needed more faith (praying for God to hold the rain for our BBQ, when there was thunder, lightning and a slight drizzle).. God has answered it all!! Can we just give God 3 cheers?? Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Thirdly, thank God for the breakthroughs that I have seen in all of you. Most, if not all of you will agree with me that this is the BEST retreat that we have so far. I believe that its not about the program that has made the difference, but really.. its the bonding that I saw in all of you that has made this retreat so different. This year, I saw all of you bonding as ONE... and all of you just showed so much love and care to each other. This is what family is all about yeah.. no one gets left behind!! Although some of us are still struggling with certain friendship problems, but lets remember.... we are family! and trust that God will mend this relationship as we learn to love and forgive each other.

Also, I thank God for the breakthrough that I see in your spirits as you worshipped the Lord and responded to His prompting in your heart. May all that you have learnt from the messages and movie be sealed in your heart. Let's not fear when we face the giants in our life because with God, all things are possible..and we will praise Him when we win, and we will praise Him when we lose.

Fourthly, I really want to thank God for the wonderful committee, who has made this retreat possible! Yvonee and Reena who served us with such wonderful food, always ensuring that we'll not grow hungry. Ruixiang for being such a wonderful orderly that we know what to do at all times and Kelly for guarding our $$ for us! Not forgetting our guitarists, Grace and Lycia!
Last but not least and most importantly, we thank God for who He is, our comforter, our Heavenly father who never fails nor forsakes us. Indeed, how can we live without Him...

And below are some testimonies from all of you! Haha.. some of you still owe me ah...

"Thank God for everything. He indeed answers prayers" - Sheila

" I learnt alot from this retreat. I really love that movie and learnt alot from the movie. The main thing is 'With God, all things are possible'. Thank God for such a wonderful spiritual family" - Alecia

" Thank God for mending friendships and for letting me realise once again how important He is in my life. Most importantly, thank God for such a marvelous spiritual family and a fabulous second home" - Lycia

"Through this retreat, I learn that no matter what I have done, God still loves me and all things are possible with Him" - Ruiting
"Not to give up easily" - Shili

"Learn to bless others by just a small thing" - Kaiping

"Thank God for the opportunity to serve others as a Quartermistress and thank God for this retreat because everyone is a lot more bonded this time round" - Yvonee

"God has restored His spirit in me, not fully yet but deep within me, i felt that He is revived in me" - Grace

alritey.. that was really a very long post.. so shall end already yeah.... For those of you who have pics from the retreat, do post them up yeah.. and if any of you wants to write a testimony to share on the blog, send it to okie???

And hahahaha.. do you know that a few of us actually stayed for one more night.. It was a blast, wasnt it?

Love all of you lots!!

Mummy cum Ah Ma Kau

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