Friday, 22 June 2007

Testimony from Gracey!

I’m here to share something that I’ve experienced through this retreatJ

Actually I didn’t intend to come for this retreat as I’m struggling with some issues in my life. I struggled a lot through a period of time on what I really need in my life. My life is like in a mess, I felt rather defeated and lost for the past months when I left God and the family. I became hot-tempered, small and insignificant, and useless. I even try to avoid all that I could, like cell groups, church service, Miss Kau, Ps Debra and friends in the spiritual family. I even tried changing church, hmm I went to The Rock for service one Sunday trying hard to find God again in my life, but I failed. My mind is still thinking of my own spiritual family. At that point of time, I realized that I really love my spiritual family.

And God send KaipingJ

, haha to call me to persuade me to go for the retreat! She said that it’s really going to be very FUN, and we’re going to wild wild wet and have bbq and all. And to cut everything short, I decided to approach Miss Kau and tell her that I’ll be coming for the retreat because I needed an answer from God desperately.

Something began to change in me……

There are so many things to share but there is one thing that I felt a strong breakthrough! Something that I felt for the very FIRST TIME!

Whenever I felt physically tired, I will also felt spiritually tired at the same time. So whenever the Lord restored me spiritually, then the next moment I felt physically tired, spiritually I will be affected too. But through this retreat, something changes! haha I noticed it since Monday, when I felt all my energy drained out physically, deep within me – my spirit still feels so refreshed and alive in me! Praise God! I’ve never felt this beforeJ

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James 4:10

The Lord has begun his work in me, and I pray that this will continues:) Do keep me in prayers. I’m still learningJ


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