Friday, 22 June 2007

Reena's testimony!(:

hello sweeties!sorry for the long wait! reena's here to share her testimony:D

As everyone knows, I have actually taken up the 'missy-QM' role together with Yvonee! Thank God that there were not as much or rather none of a hungry ghost! Even though some had to eat leftover-night beehoons and all, but nothing beats having our stomachs filled right? Not forgetting Ms Kau who made this retreat possible! And every other ones who were in the retreat helping out, or playing or even those who did not stay.Without each and every single one of you, the retreat would not be as FUN!

[okay, let's get down to business!]

Even before I came for this retreat, my long-wished prayer was :
'Dear God, please let 'Reena' decrease and Jesus to increase in me'
So throughout this retreat, my prayer has been answered(: I had the opportunity to be a 'QM', compared to the previous tribe retreats I have attended. It sure feels different! At least this time I was helping out instead! As 'QMs' it surely was a tiring job, but thank God for the supernatural power and love in me! It was his love that brought me to serve faithfully to my beloved sisters and feel so blessed in return! That even no matter how tiring it is to wash the bowls or anything else, it never fails to make my heart smile when I see you girls eating so fulfillingly! (WITH your big bellies revealing!)

Not to forget the love that God had showered me during then, using those around me as blessings for me! Like Alecia, the SUPER nurse that held tight of my finger; Ruixiang, Grace, Lycia and many more! THANKS! :D Never felt more loved ever, even when I cut my little finger and when the blood came gushing out! HAH! Just kidding:D But during then, I felt so loved, truely touched by the love of this spiritual family God has given. Indeed this is the breakthrough our tribe has gotten in this retreat, the LOVE, BONDING and CARE we all have for one another...THANK GOD!:D

So I pray that each and every single one of you sisters, would continue to lovebondcare for others, PRAYING and being a sweet angel to everyone, every day!
And would you not let this be your personal prayer from today on too? Ask God to let you decrease and more of JESUS to increase in you. Let his love fill you abundantly so that you can use it to bless others too!


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