Sunday, 24 June 2007

Stephanie's birthday

Some of us went out the other day (read: Stephanie's birthday) to get her a present but unfortunately, we only took like say, one picture? hahahaha, the saddest thing is, it's not of the birthday girl! Instead it's our dear princess Rui Ting! hahahaha! RUITING, We're still waiting for you testimony! =)

Oh, some may ask "why is Ruiting posing with this odd green thing there?" Well, it's obvious that our dear Rui Ting is very fond of this odd thing and she kept insisting that it looks like her! So there you have, Rui Ting and .. odd thing? =)

God loves all those princesses out there too! Stay in touch man:D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah lor.. ruiting.. u think ah ma old liao huh.. where is your testimony HUH HUH HUH HUH?? haha...