Monday, 3 March 2008

The 'Mary' Lesson

Hi girls,

Would like to share with you all something that touched my heart very much today.

I brought a book to read during my journey to meet a friend today. The book was entitled 'Having a Mary heart in a Martha World'. Needless to say, the book was about Mary (who sat at the feet of Jesus listening to Him) and Martha (who was angry with the sister for not helping her to welcome Jesus). For those of you who have not read this story before, you can refer to Luke 10:38-42

I had read the first two chapters prior to boarding the train. And as I got on the train and sat comfortably down in my seat, I noticed an old woman opposite me, singing softly to herself. I noticed her not because she sang horribly but rather she had a very peaceful and joyful look on her face, totally engrossed in what she was singing. An Indian man sitting opposite her looked at her as if she was crazy.

There and then, I had this thought that she might be a christian who is worshipping God because she had this worshipful look on her face. I tried looking at her file which had papers of chinese lyrics on it. The lyrics of the page that was facing me was 'Where is the green mountain' (literally translated). And so i thought, hmmm maybe she isn't a christian, she is just singing some karaoke song.

But as the journey went on, I couldnt help but keep looking up at her and thought, 'she can't be singing karoke songs, look at her face that is filled with joy, peace and adoration. This kind of countenance can only come from God'. (And the old woman was really engrossed, she looked at her lyrics for awhile and she will close her eyes and sing with all her 'silent' might).

Finally, she flipped to another page of lyrics and there I saw that it was a familiar chinese worship song that she was singing.

My heart was touched and ashamed at the same time. Touched because God had shown me a real 'Mary'. In the midst of the business of the MRT where people were busy boarding and alighting, I saw a woman who was still before the God whom she loved, I saw a woman who is not afraid of going into God's presence wherever she is.

And there I was, ashamed too, because it reflected the condition of my heart. Not that I don't sing in the MRT to God at all but I know that my heart was never as still as the old woman's, who gave her 100% attention to God even in the busy MRT train.

In this year of Sabbath, in the season of intimacy, a word that the Lord kept reminding me was 'Be still and know that I am God'. Yet I know that many times, even in my supposedly quiet time with God, I was never still, I had not given my 100% to Him, to worship and listen at His feet. My mind was distracted, with the things that had to be done.

Yet, I thank God for His grace and mercy because He has shown me today that the greatest gift I can ever give to Him is my availabilty. He does not desire achievement but companionship.

So, my dear daughters/grand-daughters.. what's the condition of your heart today? Are you available for Him who is always available to listen and talk to you?

Mummy Kau/ Zoie

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