Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Testimony and Thanksgiving from Alecia!!

Hi everyone! I’m finally here to share my testimony. Haas.
Last last week I was like stressing with a lot of thing cos my grandma is admitted to hospital (mount e) with stroke. I have been rushing over this 3 places- hospital, home & school, everyday.

During the period of time, my whole family was like discussing what to do after discharge from mount e & how to take care of my grandma.
Staying in my uncle house first?
Send to rehabilitation center?
Hire a maid to look after her?

At the same time, now I staying this block going to “cai diao” and we need to move to the new block beside Kallang mrt station. And it’s SUPER EXPENSIVE and having difficulties in finding a good location for new house!
The next day we decided to move to a rehab center after discharge but is difficult to find a good one.

One of the nights, I had been staying over to look after my grandma @ mount e and I been alone there to the next day late morning. My grandma tell me “why became like that? I want quickly discharge! Why I cannot walk? And a few more things” and she keep repeating the same word.

When I heard that, I feel my heart like sinking & pain and you don’t know how to reply her.

That period of time is like a lot of things bothering me. I felt so tired & stress up that time.

On that Sunday, I went to service.
That service really touches me a lot.
“ Gideon-Winning When You Don’t Feel Like A Warrior”
1. God has a Better Opinion for You - Don’t look down on yourself.
2. God wants to give u a Better Future - Don’t be weighed down by your present
3. God is on Your Side - Don’t be afraid of the battle.

And Ms Kau, Yvonee, Reena, Rui Xiang had pray for me on that day.

The next day, I receive a message from my aunt that the doctor had sign an approval for my grandma to Tan Tock Seng Rehabilitation Center in Thye Hua Kwan-Ang Mo Kio Hospital @ Yio Chu Kang and said that the next day can transfer her there.

We decided to hire a maid. BUT you know is very troublesome to hire a new maid and need to find for agency. BUT AMAZING we don’t need to go to agency to find a maid. Cos when my ah ma is at mount e, my cousin’s great grandmother had pass away and they have a maid there and they decided to send her back to her country. My aunt said that she quite good can learn things very fast and has been looking for elderly. We decided to take her and just need to transfer the name.

For my house, we had already pick and confirm the house in the new block! God really gives us a lot of ‘gui’ ‘ren’ who also staying there to tell which is good and bad. We finally had chosen the good ones.



This is the verse, which always encourage me a lot:

Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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