Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Amazing blessings!

heyhey! I'm so excited to testify that God is SO AMAZING! hahaha

Well, ytd we went to Miss kau house's for cell group! And Miss kau taught us on the passage,

Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16)

13"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

I am the Salt and I am the light of the world! That I will let those around me, Taste and See that the Lord is good!:)

I took a cab back home after cell group, and i was talking on the phone with yuanting cause i needed her to help me to go online to do some research about this guy call "Luo Zi Xiang" Then, when i ended the call, the taxi driver started talking to me.

All conversations below are spoken in Chinese, but I'll translate it. hah

Taxi Driver: oh, you like the "Luo Zi Xiang" ar?

Me: haha nope, i don't like him. I need it for my school project

Taxi Driver: I see. I thought many girls are crazy over him. haha even my son likes him

Me: haha I don't like to go after celebrities

Taxi Driver: So what you studying now?

Me: I study Chinese studies in Ngee Ann Poly

Taxi Driver: That's cool, my son chooses to be in the Culinary course which I don't think it's

And we continue to talk....

A thought came to me, "Bless Him!" I was like trying to get that out from my mind. I tried it real hard! I was afraid, firstly because I was rejected by a taxi driver before and feared that it might happened again. And secondly, there are A LOT of Buddha statue in his car! I saw many of them, I think there are more than 6 of them! I was thinking, he confirmed is a devoted Buddhist. In the meantime, I tried to get myself to think about other things.

I don't feel PEACE at all! I was thinking about Moses, when God says, who is the one who gave you mouth to speak and ears to hear? Am I not the one? I remembered the word of God says, I am the SALT and LIGHT of the world. And I will bring people to TASTE and SEE that my God is good:)

This time, I'm reaching the destination soon! My heart is pumping real hard! (Thump Thump Thump!)

When I took out my money to pay, I took courage from God and speak!

Me: Uncle, have you heard of the 100K blessings?
Taxi Driver: hmm no? What's that?

I took out the pamphlet and was searching for the Chinese version! I was like so scared that there isn't any Chinese ones! BUT! I FOUND IT! hahaha

I started sharing with the Uncle about this 100k blessings! Guess what? He didn't stop me from sharing! He said he would like to have Family harmony and financial freedom, and he elaborated more than what I expected! He said, actually his family was wealthy and they all stay in a condominium but because of some shares that he lost, thus causing them to move to stay in a rented place. And in a few months time, they will be moving into another house but he said that he still didn't have enough money to pay for the renovation. He said that he is in his desperate moment.

Taxi Driver: I wonder if Jesus is willing to help me?

Me: He definitely will! :D

I was really moved! And I can sense that God's presence is there at that very moment! I never felt that before!:D AMAZING!


I ask him whether he can give me his contact number and address. And he GAVE! I was like so happy and excited! And I told him saying that my church and I will be keeping him in prayers, and letting him know that Jesus will answer his prayers! He was touched and thank me for blessing him! :D

Lesson I learnt ytd,
If I didn't respond to what God has called me to do, this person(taxi driver, uncle) will not be blessed. God told me that even if you don't bless him, I can send someone else to bless him. But simply learning to obey him:) I thank God for using a small me to be able to bless his people.

Indeed when I blessed him, I'm more blessed by God:D Hope you all will be encouraged too! That God can use you to be a blessing for many around you! Obey the Lord, and leave the rest to God!

By Gracey:D

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